Some Web Application Penetration Testing & Bug Bounty Notes

 Some Web Application Penetration Testing & Bug Bounty Notes

Let's Start It,

Phase 1 – History

Phase 2 – Web and Server Technology

Phase 3 – Setting Up The Lab With BurpSuite And bWAPP

Phase 4 – Mapping The Application And Attack Surface

Phase 5 – Understanding And Exploiting OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities

Phase 6 – Session Management Testing

Phase 7 – Bypassing Client-Side Controls

Phase 8 – Attacking Authentication/Login

Phase 9 – Attacking Access Controls (IDOR, Priv Esc, Hidden Files And Directories)

Phase 10 – Attacking Input Validations (All injections, XSS And Mics)

Phase 11 – Generating And Testing Error Codes

Phase 12 – Weak Cryptography Testing

Phase 13 – Business Logic Vulnerability

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Some Web Application Penetration Testing & Bug Bounty Notes  Some Web Application Penetration Testing & Bug Bounty Notes Reviewed by Cyber...X...Soul on August 09, 2021 Rating: 5

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